Customer Call and Virtual Queuing – SME Start Project description
In September 2020, Linistry Zrt. secured a grant of HUF 19,926,600 in the framework of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office’s 2020-1.1.1-KKV-START call.
- Recipient name: Linistry Zrt.
- Project title: Customer call and virtual queuing
- Grant amount: HUF 19,926,600
- Project description:
The project aims to further develop Linistry’s digital client-calling solution to significantly enhance Hungarian innovation’s domestic and international competitiveness. Through Linistry’s new developments, it effectively reduces customer waiting times in customer service situations and provides service providers (banks, telecommunications companies, offices, stores) with a transparent, easy-to-use tool for ensuring quick and comfortable service to their customers. Within the project framework, the following will be completed:- A messaging application allowing customers to request salespersons or representatives in situations when no staff members are immediately available.
- An appointment scheduling service meeting the needs of large customer service operating providers (banks, telecommunications companies, offices).
- A work time tracking module facilitating the easy tracking of daily tasks for customer service staff, streamlining administration, and aiding in capacity planning for company executives.
- A desk reservation service ensuring the safety of office work for employees (post-COVID reopening).
The project was implemented between November 1, 2020, and October 31, 2021.
Name and Contact Information of Collaborating Organisation: National Research, Development and Innovation Office, 1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.